For Partners

Our partners enable, amplify and extend SEE's mission of cultivating interdisciplinary skills for solving complex problems. Read and click below to learn about SEE's current partners and to consider how you may want to engage in this important work.

Funding Partners Enable Our Success
We are incredibly grateful to our funding partners. Without them, the SEE program would not exist! Since 2003, the National Science Foundation has funded the majority of our work. However numerous federal agencies, state agencies, school districts, family foundations, organizations, and individuals have generously contributed funds for programming. Please contact us if you have questions about particular projects these partners have funded.
In addition to the above partners, these individuals have generously contributed to our work:
Douglas Howe & Robin DuBrin
Christine Schaffer
Jennifer Hadlock
Dee Dickinson
Terry Bergeson
Christopher & Stephanie Daley-Watson
Chris & Barb Moe
Aron and Sara Thompson
Sabey Corporation
JoAnn Chrisman
Please also view these pages to see more of our contributors:
SEE Team Alumni (including SEE's Yearly Funding Partners) | 2020 Innovating Forward Contributors | ISB's Contributors | Project Feed 1010 Crowdrise Donors

Student Programming Partners
It takes a village to broaden participation in STEM, to help students thrive, and to solve complex societal and scientific issues. We are incredibly grateful for our partners who fund, expand and/or enrich Systems Education Experience.
For more information on what programs have funded student efforts, please also view our SEE Alumni page and our Contributors pages within each of our Curriculum Modules.

Teacher Programming Partners
We thank the many partners who enable our work with teachers. SEE Teachers complete systems biology research, develop curriculum modules, and implement modules and programming within their settings. Learn more about our work with teachers on our For Teachers and Testimonials pages.
Please also see the main ISB Education pages which highlight our work with the Logan Center for Education to make quality STEM education a reality for every student regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status.

Curriculum Development and Dissemination Partners
Translating current science into user-friendly, standards-based curriculum modules for public middle and high schools requires thoughtful collaboration. We are very appreciative of our partners and for the broad base of educational research that our curriculum development and teacher training processes build on. Our partnerships have enabled success and always include students, teachers and scientists. Collaborations also include other stakeholders depending on the module being developed. Often we include artists, farmers, physicians and external organizations. For instance, by working with NOAA, NASA, school districts, and statewide educational organizations our Ocean Acidification module was written into California State's 3-Course Science Framework by the CA Board of Education in 2016 (see Chapter 7.2). Currently, we are working with University of Washington's Polar Science Center in the Applied Physics Laboratory to build curriculum on Microplastics in the Arctic. This project brings in other partners including University of Colorado Boulder, National Center of Atmospheric Research and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. Be on the lookout for this module to be released in 2025.
We are working with educators from schools and districts within all 50 states and multiple countries. Curriculum development and broad dissemination have been possible only through all of the partners listed above plus many others over the years. Please see the SEE About pages - Overview, Curriculum Development, History, SEE Timeline, Impact - and our Modules pages for more information on our partners and processes.
Our close work with the Logan Center for Education, also housed at ISB, to offer systemic-wide school training also further enhances our modules and enables their broad dissemination.

Program Extension and Replication Partners
SEE's model for building partnerships to (1) do STEM research together and (2) to translate that research into curriculum modules and training resources is applicable for other research and education groups. We have worked with other research labs and organizations to build new training and/or curriculum development programs in their settings. We have guides and protocols that you can incorporate into your own programs or to create new program. Learn more about our program model on the SEE Overview and Curriculum Development pages. See examples of what we do on our SEE Timeline and on our High School Intern Webpages. Please reach out to the SEE team if you are interested in learning more.

Education Research and Evaluation Partners
In order to ensure our programming has a positive impact, we work closely with external research and evaluation partners. Drs. Shelley Stromholt of Aspect Research + Evaluation, Tiffany Clark and Emily Affolter of Prescott College provide current guidance, research and/or evalunation services. If you are interested in learning more please see our Impact page or contact us.
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