
Spotlight: Claudia Ludwig

Congratulations to Claudia Ludwig, Director, Systems Education Experiences (SEE), on being named the winner of the 2017 AWIS Award for Excellence in Science Outreach from the Seattle Chapter of Association for Women in Science (AWIS). Claudia, a former high school biology and chemistry teacher, is the Director of Systems Education Experiences at ISB, a program that she has been instrumental in building since she joined ISB in 2004. Because of…

Baliga Lab Receives Two MJ Murdock Awards

The Baliga Lab at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) is the winner of two grants in the amounts of $15,000 each from the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust for its 2013 Partners In Science Program. Each of these two year grants will enable two high school teachers to collaborate with scientists in conducting research projects in ISB‘s laboratories.   ISB’s faculty and research scientists will work in tandem with the teachers…