Yoon Lee
Class of 2023
Tier 2 Course: Computational Modeling – Cohort 2
My name is Yoon Lee, I am 16 years old, and I attend the Lakeside School in North Seattle. I play the viola, and have been playing a string instrument since I was six years old, and have been doing journalistic writing for my school newspaper since my freshman year. I have also taken up birdwatching since the beginning of the pandemic, and am now focusing on research writing on STEM topics with a focus on ornithology and environmental issues. I also enjoy reading, creative writing, watching movies, and checking out local arts events. Over the course of my high school career I took computer science courses up to the AP level, and was thus interested in seeing what I could learn from the Computational Modeling class. I learned the importance of holistic thinking, especially with how computational modeling could be used to comprehensively represent the complexities of real-world issues. This course taught me how to be more thoughtful and deliberate when applying my knowledge in computer science to systems sciences.
Check out Yoon’s Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassador Profile!