Elizabeth Leung

Redmond High School – Woodinville, Washington
Class of 2024
Environmental Systems in the Outdoors Research Experience

Elizabeth Leung is a current student at Redmond High School. She has had an everlasting interest in science, starting from paleontology in elementary school, to astronomy in middle school, and now onto biochem related fields in high school. Hoping to expand her knowledge on science, she has participated in a variety of clubs such as HOSA and Bio club. Her most recent activities as a participant in the ESORE and LEADS program at ISB have helped her learn more about leadership in a STEM environment as well as collaborating with others. She hopes in the future to become a biochem researcher to make new leaps in health and environmental studies. Aside from science, she is heavily involved in the arts community and competes for ballet and orchestra.

Check out Elizabeth’s environmental project below!
This project aims to explore the effects of acid rain on plants and the environment, as well as raise awareness and potential solutions for the issue. A long-term simulation will be done on pairs of indoor plants, each pair will be continuously watered by different acidic solutions. One pair will model normal rain conditions, another will model acidic rain, and the last two pairs will model extremely acidic conditions (pH< 4). The plants will be monitored closely, and careful data on any visible changes on the plants will be noted. Based on the results, the potential physical effects of acid rain on plant life will be determined, as well as the threshold of acidity for a plant to live.

Disclaimer: The content of these pages was authored by students with the help of Washington Service Corps and Systems Education Experiences mentors. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISB or ISB’s partners and funding agencies.