Daniel Choi


Newport High School – Bellevue, Washington
Class of 2024
Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassador – Systems Medicine 

Hello, my name is Daniel Choi, and I am a senior of class of 2024 in Newport High School. I enjoy playing the cello and discovering new ideas, particularly in the medical field. Regarding the project, the ChromaFloss is a medical innovation my team and I created to compete in the HOSA Medical Innovation event. Following the competition, we wanted to further develop our idea, which landed us on researching the ChromaFloss through the ISB Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassadors Program. Through ISB, the goal is to showcase our HOSA medical innovation and ultimately inspire others to unlock their inventiveness.

Check out Daniel’s System Medicine project below!
Disclaimer: The content of these pages was authored by students with the help of Washington Service Corps and Systems Education Experiences mentors. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISB or ISB’s partners and funding agencies.