Welcome to the Systems Education Experiences Timeline
This timeline allows you to learn about SEE’s history, from 2003 to the present day, in an interactive way. Below the timeline are helpful hints for navigating through the timeline categories and individual entries.
Helpful hints for navigating the timeline:
- The year and month are marked on the bottom of the timeline. On the lefthand side, there is a toolbar where you can:
- Press the “+” magnifying glass to zoom in so that the events will be a little easier to see and press the “-” magnifying glass to zoom out.
- Press the arrow to jump all the way to the beginning of the timeline (2003).
- You can click on the gray box of the event on the timeline to open up a description of the event above the timeline. This will show the exact range of dates, a title and description of the event, and a corresponding image.
- You can also navigate through the timeline by clicking the < and > arrows on the description box above the timeline. This will move you to the next event sequentially, and highlight in white the event’s duration on the timeline.
- Each of the events is organized into 6 color-coded categories, which are outlined in the gray and white rows on the timeline: Student Internship (azur), Curriculum Development (orange), Educator Professional Development (maroon), Student Courses (grey), Outreach & Community Support (black), and Ambassador & Project Feed 1010 Ambassador (navy blue).